Feature Guide

Getting Started with Unstructured Fax Data, Healthcare Workflows, and Your EHR

This white paper explores the critical roles of structured and unstructured data within healthcare workflows and the unique challenges they…

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What Role Does AI Play in Managing Healthcare Information?

The promise of AI in healthcare is vast, with plenty of ink spilled around the rapid application of technology to…

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Why Documo?

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Hassle-Free Integration and Scalability

Our developer-friendly API provides quick and seamless integration of Documo features into your systems, and our scalable architecture can securely handle millions of faxes.
A developer in a green striped shirt gestures while explaining concepts. Behind him, icons represent various elements such as coding, images, and search features. A laptop is positioned in front of him, reflecting a workspace setting.

Documo’s API Prioritizes Your Needs

Representational State Transfer (RESTful) design, clear docs, and language-specific software development kits (SDKs) streamline integration.

  • Reduced Development Time

    Integration is a snap using our SDK, comprehensive docs, and interactive code samples.

  • Secure Integration

    All fax traffic is encrypted by default, with detailed audit logs for easy monitoring.

  • Infinitely Scalable

    Real-time scaling allows you to handle hundreds, thousands, or millions of faxes with 99.9% uptime.

  • Full Customization

    Customize fax routing, retries, and error handling for maximum control and flexibility.

Documo’s Compliant and Intuitive Solutions Boost Apprio’s Efficiency and Compliance

The Challenge

Apprio, a healthcare technology firm providing services to multiple government agencies, was using manual fax transmission to share sensitive patient information with its clients. In addition to the heavy administrative burden created by faxing, Apprio’s team also had to document and archive fax communications as proof of compliance, adding more time-consuming administrative complexity to the process. Unfortunately, Apprios’ existing solution was inefficient, unreliable, and costly. Apprio needed a HIPAA-compliant cloud fax solution simple enough for non-technical users and reliable enough to handle a high volume of faxes without decreasing productivity.

The Solution

Apprio chose Documo as the ideal solution for them, based on its proven highly secure, compliant, and user-friendly fax platform. Documo’s intuitive portal made it easy for Apprio’s non-technical users to navigate and process documents–reducing administrative strain, increasing efficiency, and accelerating document workflows. And Documo’s support team was on hand to help staff whenever they needed it.

Documo’s system lets us keep things straightforward and efficient, even for non-technical users.

— Jeremy Barnes, Technology Architect, Apprio


Since partnering with Documo, Apprio has enjoyed increased efficiency, reduced support needs, and enhanced compliance with government communication standards. Documo’s platform empowers Apprio’s team to securely handle sensitive faxes without issue, allowing them to focus on their core mission and scale up their business.

API Documentation; By Developers For Developers

Developers choose Documo. Take a look through our API documentation and kick the tires.

Integrate Rapidly with These API Code Samples

Build smarter apps. These fax API code samples in Curl, Ruby, Python, PHP, and Node.js make integration effortless—so you can focus on building.

Curl code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

curl  -X POST 'https://api.documo.com/vl/fax/send'  
-H 'Authorization: Basic YOUR API KEY' 
-H 'content-type: multipart/form-data'  
-F 'recipientFax=12345678900' 
-F 'coverPage=true'  
-F 'recipientName=John Snow'
-F 'subject=Winter is coming'  
-F 'notes=This fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter' 
-F ' =@/home/user/Documents/Winter. pdf'

Ruby code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

require 'net/http' , require  'uri'
uri  =  URI . parse ( "https : //api.documo.com/v1/fax/send" )  request  =  Net: : HTTP: :
Post . new (uri)  request . content_ type  = "multipart/form-data"
request[ "Authorization" ] = "Basic YOUR API KEY" request . set_form_data( 
"recipientFax" => "12345678900",  "coverPage" => "true", "recipientName" => "John
Snow" , "subject" => "Winter is coming" ,  "notes"  =>  "This fax is gonna let you
know about the coming winter ''  ''  =>  "@/home/user/Documents/Winter . pdf " , 
reg options = {
use ssl: uri.scheme ==  "https", 
response =  http. request  (request), puts response.   read  .  .  /common/templates  _layout

Python code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

import  requests
|  url  =  "http://api.documo.com/vl/fax/send',
headers  =  {
'Authorization':'Basic YOUR API KEY',' Content-Type ':' multipart/form-data '  ,
data  =  [
('recipientFax','12345678900') , ' ( ' coverPage ' ,   true ) ,
(  ' recipientName ' ,  'John Snow '  ) ,  ' (  ' subiect ' ,  ' Winter is coming '  ) ,  
( ' notes ' ,  ' This
fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter '
files  =  [
( " ' ,  open ( ' /home/user/Documents/Winter . pdf '  ' rb '  ) ) ,
requests . post ( url,   headers=headers ,  data=data ,  files=files ) ,

PHP code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

$ client = new http \ Client; $ request = new http \ Client \ Request; $body = new http\Message\Body; $body -> addForm(array( "recipientFax' => '12345678900', ' recipientName ' => 'John Snow' , ' subject ' => ' Winter is coming' , 'notes' => This fax is gonna let you know about the coming winter ), array( array( 'name' => ' ' 'type' => null, 'file' => ' /home/vlad/Downloads/Winter.pdf ' , "data' => null } ) ) ; $request -> setRequesturl( ' https://api.documo.com/v1/fax/send ' ) ; $request - > setRequestMethod ( 'POST' ) ; $request -> setBody ( $body ) ; $request -> setHeaders ( array ( 'Authorization' => ' Basic YOUR API KEY " ) ) ; $client->enqueue ( $request)->send( ) ; $response = $client -> getResponse ( ) ; echo $response -> getBody ( ) ;

Node.js code sample

When fax is an integral part of your business, you can’t afford non-compliance with industry regulations, high failure rates, slow transmission times, and poor output quality.

const fs = require ( " fs " ) ;
const request = require ("request")
let fileName ="/home/user/Documents/Winter. pdf"
request ( {
method: ' POST ',  url : ' https :  / / api.documo.com/vl/fax/send', headers: {
Authorization: 'Basic YOUR API KEY', ' content-type ' : ' multipart / form-data '
formData: {
recipientFax: '12345678900', coverPage: true, recipientName: 'John Snow' ,
subject: 'Winter is coming ' ,  notes: ' This fax is gonna let you know about the
coming winter' ;
files:  {
value: fs.createReadStream(fileName),  options: {

filename: fileName contenTType: 'application/pdf"
} , function (  error, response,  body )  { 
'console. log (body);  }  )  ;

We Keep You Up to Date on the Latest Industry Insights

Take advantage of these practical strategies to reduce fax burdens, integrate intelligent digital solutions, and enhance patient care. Stay current on industry trends and best practices to optimize your cloud fax and document workflows.

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